"The Lovers"

"The Lovers"
This image represents the cosmic Union between the feminine and masculine archetypes. The sun is depicted as our life giver, providing light and shining its presence into all life forms on our planet. The moon is the receptive principle which deprived of its own light source projects the sun’s light. In this way she has offered humanity the gift of our feelings and emotions. She rules all the cycles of fertility and the ocean tides as well as the growth of crops. This sacred union creates the flame of Wisdom and equilibrium between the two polarities.
The landscape is that of southern Chile. The vessels on the ground are tools of alchemy. Through distillation over fire, two separate plant medicines converge into one inseparable elixir.
The woman stands on water as the Mapuche claim that their ancestors could walk on water while in a shamanic trance state. The man kneels to the woman honoring the magic of her intuition and her ability to birth new life. He is on solid ground, which represents the material plane where all of our realities can take place and our dreams can manifest.