"The Condor"

"The Condor"
Original Oil completed on 2009.
The Condor and the San Pedro portrays the sacred sacrament of the ancient inhabitants of the Andes. This painting reflects a ceremonial event in which I found myself witnessing an ancient indigenous prophesy of the union of the Condor and the Eagle. The prophesy informs us that this union will bring about a collective planetary healing and refers especially to the healers and visionaries working with sacred plant medicines. These are the people courageous enough to voluntarily surrender their conscious minds to a higher intelligence--an ancient wisdom that can be accessed through these Plants of Power. Particularly potent and sacred are the Ayahuasca, the Ahuacoya (or San Pedro), and the Peyote.
As we begin to exchange and weave our different traditions, with their healing songs, incantations, ikaros, invocations, and even the fans made of condor and eagle feathers, we create a synergistic and bountiful source of healing that has the power to remove all fear and illness from our human existence.
Revelations from diverse sources teach that the planetary kundalini energy regularly transfers from the Himalayas to the Andes and back again every few thousand years. The painting honors the Condor in flight towards the Aconcagua, which translates as "the Guardian of Stone" and is the highest peak in the Western hemisphere. Now is the time when this center of activity is once more locating in the Andes, creating a vortex of initiatory centers to bring about a radiant and long-lived age of wisdom.
A wish for freedom and light for all beings on earth.