"Water Medicine Mandala"

“Water Medicine Mandala”

A prayer for the perpetuation of Water.

This design originated from a traditional Buddhist mandala, incorporating Indigenous symbols and representations of the Amazon Plant Medicine.

The spiral in the center comes from an ancient design in Southern Chile used by the Mapuche shamans in their ceremonial drums. These symbols represent the sun in our solar system–our source of life.  

The 8-pointed star, also from the Mapuche tradition, used vastly in their weavings, represents Venus. This is in honor of balance and beauty.  In their ancient language, of spoken tradition only (no written language existed), the word of “beauty”, and the word for “perfection” is the same word: “ad”. I included this in the center in reverence to this elevated conception of beauty and balance.

The eight-petal lotus is part of the original blueprint. The four directions and the four elements remained loyal to the original one as well.

The most relevant additions to this medicine wheel are the depictions of the “chacruna” and the “caapi”, the leaf and vine, which combined create the brew known as the “Ayahuaska”. This is the sacrament of the ancient people of the Amazon basin. This brew is considered by all who have experienced it to be one of the most revealing experiences of the great mystery of life, and also healing of the mind, body and spirit.

The other personal addition to this blueprint is the large blue circle around the four elements. This circle is the prayer for the perpetual renewal of water, the most precious element that sustains all life.  A circle of invocation to water, always purifying, nurturing and renewing us.


You can purchase prints and merchandise (tote bags, mugs, cards & more) via my online shop.

Mariela de la Paz