"Machig Labdrön"
“Machig Labdrön”
Machig Labdrön was an 11th century (1055–1149) Tibetan yogini whose teachings and practices of Chöd (literally “severance” or “cutting through”) based on the premise of "feeding and not fighting” have profoundly influenced all schools of Tibetan Buddhism. She was unique in being both a woman and Tibetan, diverging from the traditional norm of male, Indian Buddhist masters. Her life is an inspiring story of a committed practitioner, at-times beggar woman, brilliant teacher, mother and lineage founder.
Chöd might be interpreted through combining native shamanism with the Dzogchen teachings. Dzogchen mainly focuses on simple calming (śamatha) contemplations leading to a "technique free immersion in the bare immediacy of one's own deepest levels of awareness”.
Chöd is a Tibetan Buddhist practice that involves meditation, chanting, and visualization to cut through hindrances and achieve understanding of emptiness. The word "chöd" literally translates to "cutting through" or "severance".
Chöd aims to help practitioners cut through their anger, jealousy, arrogance, fear, and attachment. The goal is to transmute undesirable circumstances into opportunities for awakening.