

This painting is a more recent one that I started during the pandemic and took me three years to complete, as I was undergoing multiple breast cancer treatments.

My message is simple: the most powerful source of healing for me has been my appreciation of nature and my ability to spend much time in idyllic settings by the sea, bathing in hot springs, taking long walks in ancient forests, and trekking in some remote places in Patagonia.

I like to make folks laugh when I ask, “Do you know what God stands for as an acronym? G.O.D. — Great OutDoors!”

I truly believe one of the greatest gifts of life itself is the contemplation of nature and rejoicing in the perfection of creation. Most of my artworks, if not all, depict nature scenes and the symbiotic relationship between us humans and Mother Earth.

In this piece, I have included some of the plants of power that have greatly assisted me in coping with physical pain and anxiety, which would otherwise become unbearable. These are cannabis and psilocybin, as well as plants for blood purification like red clover and bloodroot.

The landscapes in the background are those of my country of origin, depicting Chilean Patagonia with glaciers, millenary forests, lakes, volcanoes, and cliffs dropping into the Pacific Ocean. On the opposite side are the calm waters of tropical beaches known to me in Costa Rica and Mexico, with their lush green tropical foliage and richness of contrasting bright colors everywhere in the animal and plant kingdoms. These are what give me permission to be bold in my use of color.

The translucent, smoke-like snake slithering from her chest represents the healing taking place, as all toxicity and trauma are being released from the body.


You can purchase prints and merchandise (tote bags, mugs, cards & more) via my online shop.

Mariela de la Paz