"Flower of Fire" – “Kodkille Rayen”

“Flower of Fire” – “Kodkille Rayen”

High Priestess of the Sacred Blood Mysteries 

Kodkille Rayen stands in strength, holding a posture known by Yoginis as “The Fierceful”. Her arms are raised to the new moon, her legs yielding to the energy stored in the molten lava from recent volcanic eruptions. In her semi-squat, her feet draw pure Earth energy up into her legs. This shoots straight through her abdomen and into the heart. A welling force springs out of her hands which raise above her shoulders, palms turned skyward in a radiant flow.  

The inner state of deep communion with the Earth is implied through her closed eyes. She is one with this volcanic fire, her womb exploding in a release of life force. Drops of garnet and ruby colored fluid stream from her core. She has become a woman. This enables her to pass through the veils of the worlds and bring forth new life. The liquid fire of her womb and the core of the Earth are one.  

The Moon cycle is a celestial reminder of this cosmic union. Heaven and Earth united through her pulsating womb and through her body converge through each lunar cycle. She is connected to all women through the blood of her sisters and the history of this earth.


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Mariela de la Paz